Sunday, October 6, 2019

Airplane Pictures and More Pictures!

The work on our aircraft is taking place in Cameroon at the SIL (JAARS) hangar.  Ours is the second aircraft in the picture.

The first project was to install some new avionics to take the place of some older "dial" gages.  Our friend Ben, from the US,  (a fellow LeTourneau Univ. grad!) generously gave of his time and expertise, to join in this project.

Doesn't it look great!  Our 37-year-old cockpit has never looked better!

Next on the scene was Doctor Drew (on the right) from Bongolo Hospital, who was joined by the full time director of aircraft maintenance in Cameroon, Matt (left) and then Dan (middle) came all the way from JAARS, in North Carolina, for another round of taking care of 7FD.

Dan's recently earned the honored level of "Inspection Authorization" as an aircraft technician, giving him authority to sign off the annual inspection for our aircraft.  It will be his very first sign off!  We are very honored for his generous gift of time and expertise in this important work.

Dan's eagle eye caught a small crack in one of the "stringers" in the tail section (see top photo).  A repair stringer was laid over top and you can see the expert repair in the lower photo... even stronger than before!

Next on the scene was our good friend, Dale, from MMS Aviation in Ohio- an organization that has had a long connection with the Gabon work, dating back to 2008, when we purchased it and sent it to MMS for getting outfitted for Africa!


Our work has only continued through teamwork like this.  So many have been a part and it's an honor to be a part of it all.  I was slated to be part of this current maintenance work on our airplane, but we got a GREAT opportunity to partner with JAARS in new, significant ways.  So, that required some last minute changes, which meant that we changed our tickets to Africa for one last trip back to the US for some important partnership work... a portion of which is some flying!  More on that soon.

Thanks for your support!!!  We've gotten this far, but things will literally come to a halt in the next month, if we don't see funding continue to grow and cover some one-time costs.

Please partner with us in this work!  Please pray for our PEOPLE and PROJECTS... and consider PARTICIPATION through a generous gift to this important work.
Yes- there is an airstrip there!

ONLINE GIVING:  visit and scroll down to "Select International Worker/Special Project" and enter "Gabon Airplane" (note- the entry will not come up as an automatic selection, but it will still work).

BY CHECK:  Send your check made out to "The Alliance" and write "Gabon Airplane" in the memo line.  Mail to: 8595 Explorer Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80920

Thank you so much for considering supporting this critical effort to bring health and hope to the Central Africa region through teamwork with the local churches there.

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