Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Carts, Horses, Airplanes, & Faith

The cockpit of the Cessna I've done recurrency training in.

The pace of life activity, as we know, is a balance of making sure our actions don’t move faster than God’s provisions.  Moving too fast leads to the proverbial “cart before the horse” situation- out of balance.  So, as Alace and I restart the aviation service for the national church in Gabon, at the Bongolo Hospital, we feel our cart and horse are getting to be about neck and neck… it’s time to check that our pace is in balance.

In order for us to move ahead, at this time, we need additional provisions.  Without this, the airplane will be parked for a time, most likely in the capital city of Libreville, Gabon. 

The needs:
-       Aircraft maintenance, upgrades, and repositioning
-       Immigration and residency
-       Bongolo Hospital Airfield reopening
-       Annual Flight Permits

After a lot of hard work, I did it!
  Approved by some of the top mission
aviators on the planet! (Scott P. from AIM
AIR @ JAARS Training)
The biggest need:  we are asking that you team up with us in prayer about these needs.  This is an exciting part of the journey where our faith is stretched and we see how God will provide.  We can't wait to share with you how these needs will be met!

If you are moved to participate financially or know of anyone interested, please follow these instructions:

ONLINE GIVING:  visit www.cmalliance.com/give and scroll down to "Select International Worker/Special Project" and enter "Gabon Airplane" (note- the entry will not come up as an automatic selection, but it will still work).

BY CHECK:  Send your check made out to "The Alliance" and write "Gabon Airplane" in the memo line.  Mail to: 8595 Explorer Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80920

Once the program is up and running, many of these needs will be provided for through contributions that are a natural part of the operations.  However, for this “restart” period, our reservoir of funds is quite low.

It has been so encouraging to see the impressive faith of those that have given to this program- in prayer, finances, and even going to Africa to pitch in!!!  Recently a team of four, hard-core aviation friends traveled to upgrade and inspection the Gabon Airplane.  See their work HERE.

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