Saturday, September 21, 2019


Not bad for a 37 year old cockpit!


If there was a description that'd I'd love people to associate me with is, "an agent of transformation". 

It sounds really audacious, but I read in scripture that, once that God, through Jesus, does a transforming work in my life (from being dead to being alive), He invites me to move into the flow of redeeming the world around us, by becoming people that love better and encourage others to do the same.  I can team up with the Creator God, Yahweh, and be a blessing.  How audacious... but... what an adventure.  I can't think of anything else I'd rather be doing.

With your help, another transformation is happening with our "tool of blessing"- the Cessna 207 aircraft in Africa.  Phase One of transformation is the avionics, led by the guys at MMS Aviation, who secured the plans and FAA approvals, as well as our friend, Ben, who is putting in some hands-on investment in the TRANSFORMATION work!

Here are some pics, stacked up so that you can see the progression to the finished product:

Kind of blurry- sorry!

We have seen the start of a couple of donations towards this effort.  Many more financial partners will be needed.  Will you please consider teaming up with us?  This aircraft will be a critical link in serving the national church in Gabon as it endeavors to continue their great work of being the hands and feet of Jesus to their region of the world, where the aircraft overcomes infrastructural roadblocks to progress.

Please partner with us in this work!  Please pray for our PEOPLE and PROJECTS... and consider PARTICIPATION through a generous gift to this important work.
Yes- there is an airstrip there!

ONLINE GIVING:  visit and scroll down to "Select International Worker/Special Project" and enter "Gabon Airplane" (note- the entry will not come up as an automatic selection, but it will still work).

BY CHECK:  Send your check made out to "The Alliance" and write "Gabon Airplane" in the memo line.  Mail to: 8595 Explorer Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80920

Thank you so much for considering supporting this critical effort to bring health and hope to the Central Africa region through teamwork with the local churches there.

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