Friday, September 13, 2019

Aircraft Work- Upgrades Update!

Our friend, Ben Wigton, is giving freely of his time and expertise to give a facelift to our Cessna 207!  Some instrument dials are getting swapped out for modern screens!  Here are some pics:

The work is taking place at the SIL-Cameroon hangar, where we do most of our aircraft maintenance.  Great partners!

The man, the myth, the legend- Mister Ben Wigton, with a table full of wires and connectors to make it all work!

To put in the "NEW"... first, it's "Out with the OLD!"  A pile of wire and tubes we won't be needing anymore.

Here's the panel and circuit breaker panel (lower left of picture) all pulled apart to make room for the "NEW"...

And HERE is the "NEW"!  Two Garmin G5 units- one to be used as the
Artificial Horizon and the second to be used as the Horizontal Situation
Indicator (HSI).  There will be a lot of other great info displayed on both
screens, and they'll both be linked to our Garmin 430 GPS.  This is a big
step forward and will help with more precise and safe flying for our
important work in and around Gabon.

More of us are on our way to do Even More work on this aircraft.  CLICK HERE to read more about the details!

PLEASE PARTICIPATE!  Pray... Give... Come Visit!

Please partner with us in this work!  Please pray for our PEOPLE and PROJECTS... and consider PARTICIPATION through a generous gift to this important work.
Yes- there is an airstrip there!

ONLINE GIVING:  visit and scroll down to "Select International Worker/Special Project" and enter "Gabon Airplane" (note- the entry will not come up as an automatic selection, but it will still work).

BY CHECK:  Send your check made out to "The Alliance" and write "Gabon Airplane" in the memo line.  Mail to: 8595 Explorer Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80920

Thank you so much for considering supporting this critical effort to bring health and hope to the Central Africa region through teamwork with the local churches there.


  1. You are so spoiled. HA! Exciting times. Blessings on you, your family, and your ministry. God's peace, my friend.

  2. Come over to Africa and be spoiled with me, Keith!!! Thanks for the encouragement, brother. Peace!

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