Dr. Wendy Hofman sees God’s healing hand at work as she restores sight to people who were blinded by severe cataracts. Dr. Hofman, an ophthalmologist at Bongolo Hospital in Gabon, also is blessed when she sees one of her patients follow the light of the Gospel to saving faith in Jesus Christ.
“At the eye clinic here at Bongolo Hospital, God's free gift of complete forgiveness, through faith in Jesus Christ's substitutionary atonement, is most often shared by national Gabonese pastors in the mornings before clinic begins,” Dr. Hofman said. “But at times, I ask patients about where they are with Jesus, too.”

A man named Eric had to have his left eye removed and his remaining eye needed treatment. When Dr. Hofman asked Eric if he knew Jesus, his face lit up with joy.
“I didn't really know Jesus,” he said. “But since coming here I've discovered that Jesus is not dead. He is not dead! I gave my life to Jesus about two weeks ago for the first time, here at the hospital. Now my wife and child and I pray together every night.”
Medical missionaries help save thousands of lives and lead many to faith in Jesus Christ as they share the Gospel. Through the World Medical Mission Post-Residency Program, Samaritan’s Purse is enabling a new generation of Christian physicians like Dr. Hofman to answer God’s call to serve in the mission field.
The Post-Residency Program has made it possible for 62 Christian physicians and their families to serve in remote mission hospitals in 18 countries. More medical professionals are entering the program every year.
(article by Samaritan's Purse)
We are so blessed to have Wendy and Eric on our team. And soon, their team is growing! They are returning to the US for a few months for maternity leave!
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