Wednesday, May 15, 2024

The Beat of a Different Drum!!!

As you may know, we have to import ALL of our Aviation fuel (known as "Av Gas"). It either comes from Poland or South Africa in a 20 foot shipping container which holds 80 drums- each 200 liters (53 gallons).

Look closely... a departing airplane appears to be striking me in the forehead!!! Yes, that is Henricka, our aviation intern, assisting me, fueling from one of our DRUMS.

 From time to time, we recoup some costs by selling the empty DRUMS. However, with much of the population suffering from lack of water service, we supply the empty drums, free of charge, to needy communities for rain water collection.

The Alliance church in the Libreville suburb of "Avorbam"
is one such church that suffers from water supply. Alace and I 
were able to worship there recently.

Our dear friend, Pastor Sangoye, leads this congregation, and 
told us that our empty drums would really bless the community
there, by collecting rain water to be used for their bathrooms.

Thank you for your teamwork! It's not about aviation... 
It's about being part of a family of believers that blesses others
in an effort to share the Love of God!!!

Did you know...
Pilot Steve used to play in a Christian rock band 
in the '80's called "The Bananaheads"?!? True story.
"DRUMS" continue to be a big part of my life!!!

Please consider partnering with us in this important work to SHOW and TELL about God's Love. If you would like to specifically assist with one of the above needs, please let me know with an email to "Gabon.Pilot@gmail" and follow the giving instructions below. Merci Beaucoup!




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