Yesterday, July 4th, marks 10 years of FULL TIME INT'L MISSION work for us! God has been so faithful to bring along our side a strong team of intercessors and funders. We are blessed!
Praise God for the great progress we were able to make in constructing a runway at the PK-27 social ministry campus project in Gabon. A bulldozer cleared the perimeter line along the rear part of the campus, where the airstrip will be located, then started clearing the jungle from what will be the West side of the runway. It was slow going and there is still much to be accomplished for an upcoming phase, as the Lord provides. (More posts to follow on this trip... stay tuned!).
Steve worked with the national church leaders along with 3 short term workers that came from the US. We praise the Lord for safety and progress toward creating this important link to medical care work near the largest population area of the country. Please pray for the additional funds that will help the national church to afford 3 additional days of dozer activity to finish the project. Pray for this work to be accomplished in concert with the opening of the medical clinic.
The medical community of Gabon is currently on strike and the church’s medical facilities are being pushed to their limits, as they continue their work through the strike.

Please pray for Joe, our oldest, as he and his fiancé, Laura, prepare for their 30 September wedding in Chicago! Pray for Sam’s safety as he is in Colorado working for the summer and doing 2 online college courses. Pray for Megan as she get’s settled in Chicago. She has been praying for the right church home. Pray for us to reach our neighbors for Jesus, even though we travel often.
Thank you for your prayers! We can’t do this without your teamwork.
Steve and Alace
* From a Bongolo Doctor…* ”The situation with tuberculosis medicines is very sad. The medicines for the first phase (2 months) of treatment are available in Gabon. However, the medicines for the second phase (last 4 months) are not available in the rest of the country, apart from Bongolo. This is causing most patients to have an interruption in their treatment, which can cause the tuberculosis to become resistant to the normal medications. Resistant TB is difficult and expensive to treat, and a large number of people with resistant TB will be a public health disaster. No one knows when the second phase medicines will be available. Patients who have started their treatment elsewhere are coming here looking for medicine, but we do not have enough for the entire country."
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