Sunday, December 6, 2015


Sam, our son, is a senior at RAIN FOREST INT'L SCHOOL where he is on the running club.  They have been training super hard (up to 39 km running this week!) and are now focused on fund raising for their Mt. Cameroon Climb in January.

Between today (Sun. 06 Dec) and Tuesday night (08 Dec), Sam is putting on the finishing touches to his efforts to raise about $200 to support his trip to climb over 13,000 feet to the pick of the mountain!

If you are interested to getting funding to him, we can receive your donation via our family's funding stream through the C&MA and you'll get a receipt.

You can make a per-lap (1 km) pledge (he's planning for 15km) or you can make a one-time donation.

Here is the link to the C&MA website to make the donation (please enter Steve Straw in the "search" near the middle of the page).  IMPORTANT: Please email Sam so he can tell us that your donation is meant for the climb.


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