At Grandma and Grandpa's in State College, PA

Some yard work with Grandpa Straw

In Coalport, PA with family and friends.
Everywhere we go, there's always good food!

Some York Alliance (PA) girls and adult leaders meet for an early-morning breakfast

Time with good friends (Dave and Stacey) at some favorite restaurants-
in this case "Chili's"!

Every now and then, we make the Church sign board!
Here, we're at Paintersville C&MA (PA)
Note- I'm holding an African basket given to us by our Gabonese team mate- Celine.

Hanging out with more friends... and eating more food! Here I am with Pastor Alan after speaking at his church (Community Alliance Church, Harrisburg, PA).

If you're lucky, you may find me in my "Rhino" shirt!
Here we are in Armonk, NY at Hillside Church.

We're making new friends along the way.
To the right is Cathy T. She handled much of our promo material for this visit to the states. Thanks Cat!

Touching base with our team.
Here I am with Brock B.- director of Air Calvary.

Here's Megan, Sam, and Joe surrounding Brock's son, Brody as he considers his stack of chicken nuggets!

Time with Family! Here's Megan and Alace sitting in the "4-D" movie theater at the Baltimore Aquarium with Aunt Kathleen and Uncle Skeet!
Hey Steve,
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update on the plane! Also really enjoyed your notes and pictures above. Would love some day to fly down to Bongolo with you in a plane that stays in the air til time to land. (ha!) No, really would like to make that trip in the air instead of the thousands of kilometers I did it in the mission truck and personal vehicle. -Ron