Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Chasing Jungle Buffalo

We had 4 cancellations for this weeks' flight, so it was just my team mate Lisa Nicky and myself for the flight to the Bongolo Hospital. We made things a little more interesting by descending above the Ngounie river to spot hippos. Seeing none, we passed the town of Mouila (with a low pass at their airport) and then turned our attention to the savannah.

Not much was going on there, either, until... wait... what was that? We spotted a momma and baby jungle buffalo that were spooked by the airplane and were hightailing it across one of the fields! It was exciting to finally see some wildlife. Most of the elephants in Gabon are jungle-dwelling, so it will be a challenge to spot them.

Lisa was up in Libreville renewing her residence card ("Carte de Sejour") for another 2 years. We're glad she'll be around for a while longer! On the previous flight, we had made the trip to Libreville in a record time of one hour and 33 minutes!!!

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