Sunday, October 8, 2017

Joe's Wedding!

Joe and Laura were married Saturday, September 30th, in Chicago!  It's hard to believe.  
At the reception... the hard part is over!  ...well... at least for that day!
Joe and Laura met at Moody Bible Institute, where they both graduated this
past May.  MBI asked both of them to stick around, so both are working
in Chicago for the time being, with an eye on some sort of int'l work in the future.

At the rehearsal. Pastor/missionary Stephen Albright traveled from Guinea (West Africa) to
perform the ceremony.  Stephen supervised Joe & Laura's internship, last fall, in Africa.

Here's the wedding party just after exiting the ceremony.
(venue: Columbus Park Refectory, Chicago)

Thanks to all your prayers for our family, especially the newlyweds.  They honeymooned in
Cancun, where Hurricane Nate passed overhead two nights ago with some high winds
and rain, but no damage or wrinkles in their plans.

Will my son hate me for posting this?!? 
Only if someone tells him I did...   ;^)
(taken from the airplane departing for the honeymoon).


  1. Congrats to the new Straw family and to all of their families! We love you all very much. Thanks for sharing the pics.

  2. THanks Aaron!!! Love you guys!!!

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  4. Yeah, Joe's Wedding was absolutely amazing. Thanks a lot for sharing the wedding photos with us. You know I have reserved the most beautiful rustic inspired Chicago venues for our big dayand the best thing about this venue is that they will be providing all the wedding décor and catering services too.
