Saturday, April 19, 2014

Gabon Viper- My Very Special Easter Egg

So, Alace and I have a 1 kilometer run/walk path around the perimeter of the international high school next door.  However, after a bad wind and rain storm last week, we had to make a detour around this section due to downed branches and vines…

So, today after a 4K jaunt, I decided to grab a machete and have at it.  After starting in on the branches leaning over the path, I took a step back to clear debris and clear the high grass encroaching on the side of the trail.  There appeared to be some very cool leaves with a neat pattern to them then… it moved slightly and I realized I had been standing inches from a GABON VIPER!!!

They're not a long snake- maybe just 2 feet long, but what are long are their fangs!  They have the longest fangs of any other snake in the world and they pump more venom in their victim than any other!  Thankfully, they are very reluctant to strike… usually only when you step directly on one. 

I was just moments from stepping on this one when I had the thought that I really should clear the path a bit as I progress with the clearing overhead.  I'm thanking God that I didn't get bitten. The description of what happens, according to wikipedia, is not good… I'll leave it at that!

1 comment:

  1. A beautiful snake - but I'm glad you killed it, and not the other way around!!! I walked this path many times last year. Glad I didn't see any snakes!
