Here I am, at my desk, caught off guard when I logged on the internet to find Brian flying through the night! (Please note the expression of surprise)
Incredibly, Brian has allowed now grass (or snow) to grow under his feet and has made incredible progress!!! Not only has he made it to Sydney, Nova Scotia, but he saw good flight conditions over the Atlantic and has pressed on!!! As I write this, he is just minutes from touching down in Santa Maria, AZORES! Simply incredible. Here is what one of our consultants wrote:
"What he (Brian) is doing at this moment (flying over the North Atlantic) in a single engine, non-pressurized aircraft, takes a lot of guts. What a brave soul indeed. My prayers are with him."
And this from Brock, Air Calvary director:
"The intensity of the mission and the commensurate courage of the pilot, is mind-bending. God sustain Brian and 7FD through the night."
And this from Brock, Air Calvary director:
"The intensity of the mission and the commensurate courage of the pilot, is mind-bending. God sustain Brian and 7FD through the night."
We are blessed to have such a veteran pilot at the controls, who is doing such a great service.
God bless you, Brian.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Some "FYI" about my photo, above:> Plastic bag- pistachios compliments of mom & dad! Thanks!
> HP Computer- recently resurrected by Andy W. in the states. Thanks Andy!
> Small Photo- Graduation pic of nephew, Phil, with family. Way to go Phil!
> Handsome man- well, that's me...
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