Saturday, October 10, 2009

MAF- Kinshasa Visit

The first week of October, I had the great opportunity of visiting the Mission Aviation Fellowship base in Kinshasa where they have a fleet of 3 aircraft- a Cessna 206, 207, & 208. Pictured above is the Cessna 207 having landed in an interior village. As you can see in the background, many come out to witness the landing. MAF goes in and out of short, unimproved airstrips providing critical resources to natives and international workers.

Here's Captain Nate showing me how it's done in the C-207. These MAF guys are pro's. Nate kept his cool dealing with all the normal pilot stuff as well as taking care of the passengers and arranging all the details with the cargo. It's a big job and he pulled it off with class.

Here were some of the spectators in the town of Samendua. Each village has great respect and admiration for the aviation program that provides a life line, both physically and spiritually, to their village.

On another day, I was able to fly in the C-208 (turbo prop "Caravan") with captain Dave. Again, I was treated to observing how a pilot can be a servant of the Lord.

To see all 18 photos with captions, CLICK HERE

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