Monday, October 26, 2009

Aircraft Commissioning

A gathering of 200 showed up on a wet day to show support to the effort to bring health and hope to Central Africa. We had several speakers. Here is Rev. Don Pullen, who has visited Gabon and, without air service, had to endure the 11 hour car ride to Bongolo Hospital in the interior.

It was a great time to touch base with many supporters! I wish I had much more time. So many people were there to express their support and love for the program and our family. We are so blessed! In this photo are some of our more fanatical supporters- Steve and Judith (Meredith B.'s parents) who have been to Gabon to visit our gang.

Here I am with our pioneering, visionary, Air Calvary leader, Brock Barrett! Brock is one sharped dressed man with a huge heart and willingness to take on God-sized projects like this one. We are so very blessed to have Brock and the Air Calvary team who constantly tends to our needs and dreams big dreams with us.

The main thing I had to express that day was how thankful I was to our God that He has allowed us all to join together in this expression of HIS great love for a region of our globe. Our family is so thankful that so many have joined us in prayer and financially- despite a major, world-wide, financial crisis. Amazing! I said it this day and I'll say it again here- Hollywood couldn't come up with a script like this!

Pastor Brian Kannel, our M.C., directed us in the final act of gathering around the airplane (a "fill-in" Cessna 206) and praying for the start of flights and a new chapter in ministry in Gabon. Pastor Brian is from our uber supportive home church- York Alliance. They have spearheaded intercession for our family and ministry from the very first step. We are so blessed.

I returned to Gabon with a new sense of focus and drive. This was just the encouragement that my heart needed as we had hit some difficult periods at home and delays with the aircraft refurbishment. We were all reminded of the humanly impossible odds stacked against this effort, but how our great GOD had supplied all of our needs along the way. We are in awe of His great works.

See all 35 photos with captions: CLICK HERE

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